Fraud Alert Uganda

A Disruptive, Monitoring and Reporting Platform for Cyber Fraud Schemes including but not limited to Pyramid and Ponzi schemes, mobile money fraudsters, Bank fraud tendencies and other illegitimate schemes.


Many Ugandans have been victims of cyber fraud schemes and are continuing to lose billions of Shillings to these scammers. This has been caused by absence of a reliable monitoring and reporting mechanism and un-concluded investigations for effective countering and disruption of these schemes.
However, with Fraud Alert Platform (FAP) in place, these frauds will be detected, monitored and disrupted in real time.

Specific Objectives

  • To Provide Early detection and exposure of Cyber Fraud.
  • To Provide timely Citizens Alert Mechanism on Cyber Fraud.
  • To Maintain an updated and verified Registry of Scammers and their methods of Operation.
  • To Collaborate with Law enforcement Agencies to ensure that justice prevails.

How we do it