Capital Chicken: What to Look Out For

Like all online investment schemes, the responsibility lies with the potential investor to make checks and ensure that the venture at least meets minimum criteria as set by the government. It should be registered with URSB and must have physical addresses with licenses issued by local authorities in areas of operation.

We shall not label this a scam for now but call on all potential investors to look out for the tell tell signs before investing. If it all checks out, then do as you wish. Do not forget never to invest more than you can afford to lose.

The Website URL on the twitter account does not redirect to a function website. Why then is it put there? Such issues are a point of concern in the light of previous scams. Where are these ‘farms’ located? Are investors given an opportunity to have site visits to have a look at their investments?

The premise of remotely investing in a business and simply collect dividends after a set period is appealing. However, with our loose regulations, safety is always sacrificed.

This is an early warning alert to ensure that you carry out due diligence before making a decision.

In case of any signs of fraud on the subject, please get in touch with us to investigate the matter with the authorities.



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