
Online Clothing Shopping Scams In Uganda Hampering E-Commerce Adoption in Uganda

Uganda is currently dealing with a flood of internet shopping con artists who are stealing people’s hard-earned money. These con artists are frequently seen...

How to Avoid Being a Victim of Yaka Units Scam in Uganda

Yaka Token scams are a sort of online scam that is common in Uganda. Scammers pose as sellers of cheap Yaka Token coupons or...

How Scammers are Using Affiliate Marketing to Defraud Ugandans

Many multi-level marketing and Ponzi schemes in Uganda have adopted affiliate marketing techniques to lure unsuspecting people into fraudulent ventures. The schemes usually present...

Over 200 Online Banking Cases Recorded in Uganda in 2022

The Ugandan Bankers Association, a collective of all commercial banks in Uganda has announced plans to create an online platform through which the different...

Avoid Falling Victim to Online Fraud Schemes in Uganda

With the primary objective of defrauding as many people as possible, a new wave of online money-making websites and mobile apps has swept Uganda....

Trade Carefully With Superlife Multi Level Marketing

Superlife just like similar scams is disguised as a Multi level marketing company. They depend on recruitment and selling of items to new members....


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