Congregation Turns Against Pastor Over BLQ Scam

A local Pastor in Makindye division, Kampala is on the run and in hiding after his congregation turned violent when he failed to explain the whereabouts of the funds they collected to invest in the BLQ Sports bet scam. The Shepherd had organized his lambs to get rich and prosper through a collective investment drive where he encouraged even the poorest to invest whatever little money they could.

Some of the members of the congregation we spoke too confined that the Pastor had even waived tithe giving by encouraging the members to grow their money first and give to God and Caesar after.

Collapse of BLQ

Following the collapse of the BLQ scams, the Pastor kept on telling his people that their money was safe. However, this later changed to, that he would look for the person who headed the company to offer them a refund.

This did not sit well with the congregation members who attacked his car at the church and vandalized it. They did not stop here, they also wen to his home and did damage to the property, stopping shot of burning it to the ground.

They later opened up a case against the Pastor at the local police station and a man hunt is currently going on to bring him to book for the fraud.

Many of the congregants had invested lots of their savings with the belief that they would make insane profits and return. The person we spoke to had so far invested 250,000/- that she hoped would help her fund different activities during Christmas time for her family back in the village. Instead, she is now left to reflect on a year lost to fraud.

It is a pity that a whole Pastor would preach gambling to a congregation. However, the public is advised against investing in virtual assets promising quick and outrageous returns. Local leaders should know better to guide their followers in the right direction and protect them from such scams.



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